fiat (noun) 1) A decree 2) A dictate 3) An act of will that creates something without further effort required The English word fiat comes from the Latin word fiat meaning "let it be done" which appears in the Latin translation of the book of genesis "fiat lux" (let there be light). Early uses of the word fiat in the English language were biblical allusions for that reason, but by the 1630's fiat started being used to describe authoritative decrees issued by clergy and royalty (groups that relied on divine right to justify their position of power). By the 1800's, fiat was used to refer to less-than-godly legal manners. The term "fiat in bankruptcy" (an order that a commission in bankruptcy should issue) gained popularity during this time and by the end of the 1800's the concept of fiat money took place.
Anti Fiat Life
Nothing by Decree - "To make change, focus not on fighting the old, but on building the new"